The Intellectual Masturbater

"Don't knock [intellectual] masturbation, it's [intellectual] sex with someone I love." -Woody Allen
"Blogging is intellectual masturbation." -The Intellectual Masturbater

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Xavier's College (Bombay) and the Da Vinci Code

Fellow ex-Xavierites, look at the person in the forefront of the protests against the Da Vinci Code movie.
...the head of the Catholic Secular Forum has begun a 'hunger strike until death'.
That "head of the Catholic Secular Forum" is none other than Fr. Joe Dias! Yes - the same guy who took over from "Pop Con", a.k.a. Father Conrad as the Principal of Xavier's circa 1994. The same guy who tormented all the young girls about wearing shorts in the canteen. And yes, its the same guy who disallowed the holding of hands and various other similar "nefarious" activities at Xavier's. Sounds something like what they do in some of the Middle Eastern's no surprise then that he's got the muslims to protest with him.

Ok, rash generalizations being made there and breaking all the rules of political correctness, but a hunger strike for The Da Vinci Code? And I mean even just protesting a movie, for God's sake (pun intended)!! It's a bit much, I think. It's a movie for crying out loud! Firstly, it's fiction. Secondly, I am by no means a religious person, but if a fictional movie can incite you to waste your time on protesting (and in Joe Dias' case, going on a hunger strike) then I think it's time you reexamined your faith, brother! Besides, if you really want to protest, then do it against something justified. You can find come really worthy causes here.

Read the BBC article about Joe Dias and the Da Vinci protests in Asia here.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

And he made sure that now a whole lot of people, who otherwise would have skipped the flick, will go watch it.

I hope he is happy now.

Sunday, May 21, 2006 10:15:00 AM  
Blogger The Intellectual Masturbater said...

you got that right!

Monday, May 22, 2006 10:16:00 AM  

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