The Intellectual Masturbater

"Don't knock [intellectual] masturbation, it's [intellectual] sex with someone I love." -Woody Allen
"Blogging is intellectual masturbation." -The Intellectual Masturbater

Thursday, May 04, 2006


Ahhh...the blissful feeling of nothingness inside one's mind. No, I'm not talking about the Buddha Machine. I'm talking about that blissful sensation that comes with the completion of teaching a course. Of never having to deal with sixty undergraduate, spoilt, American brats. Of never having to be constantly disappointed by their indiscipline. Of never having to constantly hold them in check while I'm teaching. Of never having to receive 10s of emails, all in small-caps without any level of professionalism. Of never having to negotiate grades, exam scores, even exam questions, for god's sake. Of never having to explain that it's only hard work and perseverance that gets you the ever-elusive 'A'. Bliss...