The Intellectual Masturbater

"Don't knock [intellectual] masturbation, it's [intellectual] sex with someone I love." -Woody Allen
"Blogging is intellectual masturbation." -The Intellectual Masturbater

Thursday, March 30, 2006

Deep Shit - Addendum

Regarding the article in the OpinionJournal I talked about and quoted below, an addendum: I'm not sure if I totally agree with that cartoon of a guy whose turban is unraveling into cobras which are attacking the supposedly US helicopter. First off, I thought we Indians had the monopoly on the stereotype of the turbaned guy. [Well, ok, perhaps after 9/11 and Osama's entry into US mainstream, that kind of tilted the turban balance towards the Arabs.] But what about the cobras? Aren't we desis still the snake-charmers? I vividly remember chatting with my mid-western freshman-year neighbour in my dorm and he asked me, "Can you charm snakes, dude? It'd be tits if you could!" I'm quoting verbatim, here...


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